Visionary Insurance Company Limited [Visionary] is an insurance and reinsurance company licensed in Labuan International Business and Financial Centre, Malaysia.
The main classes of insurance business of Visionary are:
The paid-up capital of Visionary is USD 2.67 million. It is in the process to increase its paid-up capital to USD 100 million and to obtain an international credit rating.
Labuan International Business and Financial Centre, Malaysia has a comprehensive, modern and globally-recognized regulatory framework.
Visionary has a team of well-qualified specialists in insurance/reinsurance underwriting and claims, insurance legal affairs, actuarial services, products development, Chinese interests abroad, captive management and business appraisal. Furthermore, associates of Visionary who are specialists in corporate risk management, insurance arrangements and global reinsurance markets will be able to support corporations and enterprises in their global business development.
To establish Visionary as the preeminent and preferred structure for risk financing and transferring in the world with hybrid modes combing the Insurance and Capital markets, particularly in Asia serving the international insurable risk interests of Asian business.
Visionary is licensed by Labuan Financial Services Authority to transact General Insurance Business (including General Reinsurance Business) in Labuan International Business and Financial Centre.
Visionary also specializes in structured insurance and reinsurance with the use of captive and rent-a-captive insurance company.
Visionary is rated LECA™ “a” by RAM Rating Services Bhd, Malaysia. The rating indicates Visionary has adequate capacity to meet policyholder obligations and financial commitments. The rating is supported by Visionary’s low risk exposures, conservative risk management practices, as well as business and operational synergies with Sinoasia Group.